1.1. Under the terms of the Privacy Act 1988 (Act), I understand that ScotPac Business Finance Pty Ltd ACN:008 636 388 as a commercial credit provider needs to make disclosures to me and obtain authorisations from me before my commercial credit application is processed. The authorisations relate to information that can be obtained before, during or after the provision of the commercial credit to me. In accordance with the terms of the Act, I hereby authorise ScotPac Business Finance Pty Ltd as well as their agents, associates and related entities and any other credit financiers or credit providers:
- To give a credit reporting agency certain information about me and my application for commercial credit in order to obtain a credit report about me. This information can include:
- my name;
- my address;
- my date of birth;
- my driver’s license number; and
- the fact that I have applied for commercial credit and the amount applied for:
- To obtain a credit report about me from a credit reporting body to assess my application and my credit worthiness, or in connection with the collection of overdue payments, and I give my consent for them to do so.
- To give and seek information from any of the credit financiers, or any credit providers or referees named in my application or in any credit report about me, information about my creditworthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity as permitted under the Act. The information can be exchanged for any one of the following purposes:
- to assess my application;
- to notify other credit providers of a default by me;
- to advise other credit providers of the status of this loan in circumstances where I am in default with other credit providers; or
- to assess my creditworthiness.
- To use my personal information for marketing, planning and product development purposes by ScotPac Business Finance Pty Ltd as well as its related companies or unrelated marketing organisations conducting marketing activities on their behalf. This authorisation applies regardless of whether my application for commercial credit is approved. It also applies if, instead of applying for credit from ScotPac Business Finance Pty Ltd, I have asked ScotPac Business Finance Pty Ltd to assist me in obtaining a free Business Credit Score from Creditor Watch (Credit Score Process).
1.2 ScotPac Business Finance Pty Ltd Privacy Policy contains information about how I may access or correct my personal information that ScotPac Business Finance Pty Ltd holds about me, as well as information about how I may make a privacy complaint. I can request a copy of ScotPac Business Finance’s Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy is also available to read here.
To be eligible for the offer, you must;
- Have a business trading more than 6 months
- Have an active ABN
- Be looking for new or refinance options
- Be comfortable to share your financial position and financial needs to allow ScotPac Business Finance Pty Ltd to facility a review of your financial circumstances
- Attend a Microsoft Teams meeting or telephone call meeting at the pre agreed time.
As part of the offer, you will receive
- Initial engagement call/meeting
- A team member will ask questions to understand your needs
- Help identify, opportunities that may improve or optimise your lending position
4.1 I hereby agree and consent for ScotPac Business Finance Pty Ltd to use my personal information for direct marketing purposes to promote its products or services or those of its related companies. I understand I may withdraw my consent of opt-out function when receiving such direct marketing or by contacting ScotPac Business Finance at [email protected]
Important Note: ScotPac Business Finance Pty Ltd may disclose your personal information to third parties for the purposes of them offering you products or services or acting as an intermediary in providing our sourcing.
- Limit of one cashback payment per successful applicant regardless of the number of applications, associated applicants, and subsequent settled loans.
- Offer may be varied or withdrawn by ScotPac Business Finance at any time.