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ScotPac Whistleblower Policy & FAQs

ScotPac has engaged the services of Your Call to help manage its whistleblower disclosures.

Your Call provides an independent third party service, receiving anonymous disclosures 24/7. We have chosen Your Call to allow all employees to contribute to the integrity and transparency of our operations.

The board, directors and executive management team are committed to a whistleblower program that encourages, protects and supports responsible reporting of wrongdoing, including fraud, corrupt conduct, questionable accounting and inappropriate workplace behaviour.

Honesty and integrity are at the heart of ScotPac’s business reputation and success. With our commitment to reporting wrongdoing we will continue to build a supportive work environment, which aligns with our values.

Your commitment is vital in preventing loss and harm caused by unethical, illegal and irresponsible acts. You can make a difference by getting involved and doing what is right. If you become aware of wrongdoing, we want to know about it. Don’t ignore it.

We encourage you to bring all wrongdoing to the attention of management as a first step.

If you don’t feel comfortable or safe doing so, you can make a confidential and anonymous report to Your Call. Your Call will bring your information or concerns to our prompt attention, while keeping your information and identity confidential.

We will support and protect anyone who reports wrongdoing from victimisation. You will not be disadvantaged or prejudiced as a result of reporting wrongdoing.

We will review all reports and, if necessary, arrange for the matter be investigated. If the wrongdoing is proven, we will take action appropriate to the findings.

The board, directors and executive management look forward to your cooperation and participation.

Thank you,

Jon Sutton CEO


How do I make a disclosure?

You can make a whistleblower disclosure at http://www.yourcall.com.au/report, or by calling 1300 790 228.

Please specify an Organisation ID of ‘SCOTPAC’ when prompted, in order to address the disclosure to ScotPac.

Note down the Disclosure Identification Number (DIN) you are provided, and the password you created during the lodgement process.

You will need this information to log in to the Whistleblower Portal afterwards, for any updates and communications.

What information do we need?

Ensure your disclosure is detailed.

It is our job to obtain from you the information required to assess and address the reported matter.

We have a commitment to protect any information you entrust us with and deal with it respectfully. We will ensure the information is brought to the attention of executive management in a timely manner.

We understand the decision to make a report can be difficult. We respect your honesty and the integrity of your decision to take action or to speak out.

We have included details of whistleblower / whistleblowing support groups on our Links page should you wish to seek assistance.

We will support and assist you in the reporting of information whether it is online, by email or via telephone with one of our specially trained disclosure management officers. All whistleblowing information submitted to us is secured by the 256 bit encryption used on our server. All information is instantaneously encrypted and backed up to a second server at a different secure location.


To enable us to get the required information we need you to assist us by doing the following:

  • Provide a detailed description or outline of the issue you are reporting. For example, dishonest, inappropriate workplace behaviour, unsafe workplace or your suggestion for a better work practice
  • Give us as many specific details as possible including matters you may deem not to be relevant. For example:
  • Names of people involved;
  • Witnesses;
  • Dates and times;
  • Places and events;
  • If theft or fraud, how much money do you think is involved? Where has the money gone? Etc
  • If property, has it been removed from the work place or is about to be?
  • Has the property been sold or is it being stored pending sale? Etc
  • Identify relevant supporting evidence including any physical documentation, emails, records or evidence including where the evidence is stored and the likelihood of destruction or disposal of that evidence. This evidence may be critical in any investigation of the matter reported.

On submitting your whistleblowing information using our website you will be given a unique Identification Number.

Please secure this number and do not give it to anyone else. You will be able to use this number to login to the Whistleblower Portal to verify the receipt of your information by Your Call, receive updates from your organisation and access the Whistleblower Portal.

How do I consider the options regarding sharing my identity?

You have three options regarding your identity when making a disclosure with Your Call.

You can choose to:

  • remain completely anonymous
  • disclose your identity to Your Call ONLY
  • disclose your identity to both Your Call and ScotPac.

ScotPac and Your Call will entirely respect whatever choice you make.

How do I report an emergency situation?

If your matter is an emergency call 000 before lodging your disclosure.

If a ScotPac or a Your Call Disclosure Officer defines your situation as an ’emergency’ they have the full authority to contact 000 on your behalf.

After making a disclosure, how do I access the Whistleblower Portal & Message Board?

Once you have made a disclosure, stay in touch with ScotPac and Your Call via our online portal.

You can use the Message Board to communicate, anonymously if preferred, with Your Call and/or ScotPac.

Here you can provide further information, upload evidence, request support or report any alleged victimisation.

To access the Whistleblower Portal, simply click the ‘Whistleblower Login’ link on the top right hand corner of our website at www.yourcall.com.au or type www.yourcall.com.au/report directly into your web browser and click ‘Whistleblower Portal Login’.

Alternatively you can call Your Call for a telephone update.