Debtor Finance is unique in its versatility, being suitable for a very wide range of business situations. It is most suitable to businesses when they:
- Are growing and require faster cashflow to inject cash back into the business
- Are unable to meet large orders or seasonal peaks
- Are turning away new business due to insufficient funding/cashflow
- Are fully borrowed against fixed assets e.g. property. This can become particularly problematic in environments where property prices are falling.
- Cannot raise the required amount of funding for the purchase price to affect an acquisition or facilitate a management buyout or buy in
- Regularly exceed current overdraft limit
- Cannot access bank funding due to insufficient trading history, recent trading losses, violations of other lending covenants, or inadequate collateral. Alternatively, a business may have bank funding withdrawn.
- Directors have unequal levels of risk in terms of the collateral they have put up as security and wish to share it more equitably
- Are unwilling to offer real estate security in order to minimize personal risk in uncertain trading environments
- Are unable to accelerate customer payments through normal cashflow management processes such as collections activity, invoicing proactively, applying deposits or early settlement discounts.